Surya Namaskar Beej MantraWe all know that doing Surya Namaskar is extremely beneficial to the body. But when it is done along with chanting of Surya Namaskar Beej...
३३ कोटि देवता सनातन धर्म में 33 करोड़ नहीं 33 प्रकार के देवी देवता हैं। देवभाषा संस्कृत में कोटि के दो अर्थ होते हैं । कोटि का मतलब प्रकार होता है और...
33 koti DevtaIn hinduism we use 33 koti devta. It has been misinterpreted for so long as 33 crore gods. The meaning of 33 koti is not 33 crore, it...
India’s pride - Statue of Unity After delaying my visit to Statue of Unity all these years, this time I was determined to visit SOU, the moment I can. Before visiting,...
“ Maun Vrat” - My experiment with silenceBeing one amongst my New year resolution to undertake 6 new experiences across this year, “Silence” has always amazed me! It was...