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7 ME time actions that has helped me improve the quality of my life

We often feel we need to be there for everyone & everything except for ourselves. We have the habit of ignoring ourselves under the pretext of responsibility. Yes, we have responsibilities. Responsibilities towards work, family , home & the world. But the most important responsibility we have is towards ourselves.

We often neglect our physical, mental & emotional health because something else is a priority. The fact is, our number one priority should be us. We can serve others only if we serve ourselves well first. And to serve ourselves well, we need regular ME time in our daily routine that helps us stay emotionally, mentally & physically healthy & fit.

I have listed down 7 ME time actions that has helped me improve the quality of my life without compromising on other responsibilities.

1. Waking up early

I get up at 4.30 am six days a week. When people hear that they ask with a surprised look that what I do waking up so early.

I sit in silence & write down my thoughts. I get best ideas in the morning when I am sitting alone with my thoughts.

I meditate, do yoga, go for a walk while listening to inspirational talks.

I do all this & yet I m done by 7 am to get back to my routine.

2. Planning

Though I plan my year, month & week , I have the habit of daily planning. Most of my planning is done before I close my office for the day. So the next morning, I have nothing to worry about & straight up start with the work planned, without wasting time getting confused what to do.

3. Exercising

I believe, when in doubt, exercise. When you are confused about what do to, best thing is to exercise. After 4 years of chronic pain, I gave myself completely to exercise without giving up. For me, walking is my all time favourite exercise. Ask me to walk anytime & I am always ready. Exercise gives you a new energy that will help you keep active throughout the day. Exercising, especially walking gives me a lot of time to channelise my thoughts.

4. Journaling / Writing

I have always believed that pen is mightier than sword. Writing helps you clear your thoughts & perform in a more productive way.

5. Reading

Reading is like meditation for me. When I open a book, I get immersed in the world of words. Books are the best teachers. Open any book & you will definitely learn something worthwhile.

6. Staying away from screens

I must admit that I am not totally off screen. But I consciously try to stay away from screens as much as I can. Less screen time has given me more time to do more interesting & productive things in real world.

7. Listening to inspirational stuff

It is always good to learn from others. Listening to inspirational people has made me grow spiritually & emotionally, which has resulted in peace of mind.

These activities has given me the much needed space that I wish for, for my over all well being.

Remember, ME time is not a luxury, it’s a necessity !

Activity time !!

Write down how will having ME time everyday will affect your life?

List down at least 3 ME time activities that your are doing or wish to do.

Now, go for it.

Tip : if you are not having ME time yet, start with just 30 mins everyday.

Happy ME timing !!!

- Rani

The Meaningful Lifestyle

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